

Friday 4 April 2014

April 4th 2014

Is it a bird, is it a plane? No its the arc-light streetlights South Tyneside council installed in front of my parents house recently. Thus when I stay there as I am tonight it is as if I am bathed in a golden glow. Makes getting to sleep interesting but I managed. I'm at my parents all too briefly to shamelessly use their home as a sleep over on my way up to Orkney. I've been mulling going to Orkney for years and so it was with a gusto and a dash that last night I booked the hotel, ferry and two overnights in Thurso as the ferry is from Scrabster a mile or so from there. Bookings completed I rang parents, 'fancy a visitor tomorrow' and here I am. From Somerset to Thurso is 720 miles and my parents are almost half way at 320. It's a long haul, but I have always loved long distance driving, something I find very relaxing to do. There is a special art to it, speed is something one should never attempt long distance, nor overtaking just to get one car ahead. To travel a long distance it is very much tortoise and hare outcome, something I learnt from John, the Bakers Dolphin driver who took me and 30 others to Italy. Drive steady, drive smoothly, go with the flow of the traffic and above all relax and let the scenery flow by. Good advice from a master long distance driver.

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