

Monday 21 April 2014

April 21st 2014

It's not everyday one comes across a rat playing a fiddle, yet today on a walk along the Kennet and Avon Canal that is exactly what I saw, in graffiti form of course. We were walking from Wilcot to Woodborough through the Pewsey Vale in wonderful warm sunshine and came across this concrete hut in the middle of nowhere. Alongside the usual inane graffiti of "Daz Woz Here" a much more creative art form had been added in the form of 2 rats, 2 bottles and a scroll with the words
"Roll Call
For all those of
us, who haven't
made it this far
Rock on in heavens
Waiting room"
Interesting stuff and a search on-line has failed to find out if these are lyrics or some words or prose. Therefore I must assume the author of the graffiti has produced original works. I don't advocate graffiti yet there are times when clever self expression works. On Orkney I saw the Viking graffiti in Maeshowe, which like all such scribbling's down the centuries said nothing more startling than "Tholfir Kolbeinsson carved these runes high up" or more prosaic "Thorni made love  [I kept it clean it is just one word]. Helgi carved". Nothing changes, people will be people and always want to leave a legacy and just say it how it is or how it was.

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