

Thursday 26 June 2014

June 26th 2014

I'm sure I have gannets and not sparrows in the garden. Every morning I am woken up to a cacophony of tweet tweeting from the resident house sparrows and I do love it. They're such jolly birds, all jostling and bustling around the feeders. There seems to be a ritual of sorts, the males fly into and onto the feeders in one bound, females tend to flutter around them for a while and juveniles wait their turn. Much like life I guess. They nest in the eaves of my roof and unlike many I suspect I will not eradicate them as they are as much a part of my life as anything. I often sit on the edge of the bed, as I did this morning, just watching them for 10 minutes while having my numerous mugs of tea to get going. Wonderful entertainment, made all the more mesmarising as those 2 feeders hold about 1kg of seed between them. My hungry sparrows can empty both in 6 hours. How on earth they can still fly with all that ballast is anyone's guess.

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