

Friday 28 March 2014

March 28th 2014

When I first thought about this day it seemed a very long time ago. Back in November 2013 I was at a pretty low ebb. 2013 had been a bruiser of a year what with one thing and another and by the end of the year I knew both mentally and physically I was in a mess, or as people bizarrely say these days 'I was in a dark place'. What does that mean? Haven't paid the electric bills? Joined a Black Sabbath reunion forum? I know for me I was above everything else mentally drained and at absolute zero. It needed a remedy, and so in early December I broached with my manager the notion of having April off, partly as a present to myself reaching 50. It was agreed and with Easter and the May Day Bank Holiday in the mix, I'd leave work on the 28th March and return on May 6th.
So here I am. March 28th has arrived. I worked at home today and so as I closed the lid of the laptop at 5pm I knew I'd not be involved with work for 38 days. The longest break while working ever (excluding being a mature student in the early 1990's); as someone who left school aged 16 and 2 months to work full time, those 34 years working have left me feeling quite tired.  Computer off, a quick dash to the Co-Op in Pewsey for some emergency comestibles for supper, home and open a bottle of one of my favourite tipples to celebrate 38 days. During this time my only involvement with the internet is going to be this blog. I spend too much time looking at a computer screen, both for work and at home. It's not healthy, it's not real life, its just nuts really. Yes it has its advantages but it is a form of distraction behaviour, no one is there, real life is what happens outside, not in a virtual world. Thus with Twitter and Facebook mothballed, emails suspended from my Blackberry, my only foray into the world of virtual reality will be here. Let there be light. Cheers!

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