

Wednesday 19 March 2014

March 19th 2014

The question I often ask myself is why do we buy a book on impulse? I don't mean the purchase of a book on a topic we are interested in anyway, but a completely random buy. What is it about one book that attracts the reader. Take the above book as an example. I have just bought it. I have no idea what it is about other than quickly reading the back cover. Never heard of the author and found that while heading into a book shop to purchase Dickens Pickwick Papers, this fell off the shelf into my lap.

So what made me buy it? I'm interested in Paganism, so this title drew me to it. I liked the cover illustration (countryside and corvids) and the fictional village whence this is set Nether Monkslip caught my eye. In simplistic terms then I purchased this book as it ticked a few boxes in my comfort zone. Maybe that is the answer, simply we impulse buy a book because it somehow ticks a few of our comfortable boxes. Which themselves are a result of the nature and nurture process of all life. Would that I was a Metropolitan Buddhist with a phobia of feathers, this volume may have remained on the shelf alongside many other equally enticing tomes.

I am yet to read it but will begin this weekend.

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