

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wednesday 26th June 2024

Well according to this blog's behind the scenes data, it tells me that today, this post will be the 1000th. What a milestone to reach. That's a thousand thoughts over ten years, I enjoy trying to think up something new to say. I don't always succeed on originality but that doesn't matter, it's my personal thoughts on the day.

But for my 1000th post I'll share the three most important people in my life. In no particular order, Gingernut, of course, in the garden tonight. Dad, sadly currently in Ward 2 of South Tyneside hospital after falling and breaking his wrist, though he's fine and visited by his carers Kate and Faye, and Julie, last but not least, at Royal Ascot a week ago today.

Today was also a special day for me as I had a hospital consultation and we'll it was good news. I can stop worrying now. I'll enjoy the weather instead, 26 degrees is perfect with fish and chips at home to celebrate the end of a perfect day and to record my 1000th thought for the day. Just three more months to go.

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