

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday 19th June 2024

Al Capone was spotted at Royal Ascot today, in a straw (paper) Fedora and sharp suit. Only it's actually me, in my specially bought suit for the day. I really enjoyed today, not only my first time at Ascot but the first time at a flat race meeting. Julie is a big horse racing fan, and over the years has instructed me in some of the finest aspects of the 'Sport of Kings'. I won't try and pretend I know anything about racing, but it was a grand day out in the Queen Ann Enclosure. Not too many Royals were in the Royal Procession, Queen Camilla, Prince William and Princess Eugene, but a surprise Andrew Lloyd-Webber too. Nice to see them all, and later we saw them leave in the Royal cars. The racing was great, 7 races and I lost my shirt on the betting, but that didn't matter at all. It is all part of the enjoyment. We stayed until the end when the band struck up with a very good singer, hits from the decades. What a fun, if a long day, 230 miles by car there and back, left home at 7.30am, returned 9.45pm. The take home message being it is really good to be involved with something positive, there's too much gloom and doom out there, I need more positivity in my world. Let's hear it for racing, especially in the summer, much warmer.

Looking back at the stand.

Queen Camilla in the leading carriage

Royal cars waiting to whisk the family away.


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