

Saturday 22 June 2024

Saturday 22nd June 2024

I was having a sort out day today (while also watching the last day at Royal Ascot) and threw out my old cheque book. I still write the occasional cheque but these days it really is occasional. But looking back at some of the stubs, dating back to 2016, it's interesting to see what I used my cheque book for. A wedding, paying bills, a donation to Church Lawton church, and so on.  At one time I was writing cheques weekly, today everything is on-line or direct debit. The romance, if it was ever romance, of writing a personal guarantee onto a slip of paper seems so old fashioned now. One day cheques will be obsolete and then when the electricity fails, no one will get paid.

In other news today one of the alpacas at Little Orchard Alpacas has given birth to this beauty today. Back in July 2023 one of the male alpacas got out of his pen and ran a mock with the ladies. Cloud was then later discovered to be pregnant. An unplanned but very welcome addition to the herd. On Facebook there's a competition to name him, my suggestion to Vic is Quetzal, a South American bird and currency. We'll see if that's chosen.

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