

Monday 17 June 2024

Monday 17th June 2024

Both these images were taken this morning at the Hub, but different images for different reasons. The first simply to record the first day of my week off. I'd half thought of going to Holford again but there were a number of chores to do, plus a Sainsbury's order at 3pm, therefore a mooch about day getting stuff done. Do note, that gluten free gazzionaire chocolate thing is most pleasant. Earlier I'd been to the Post Office in Congresbury and had been given my first King Charles lll twenty pounds note. Dad had received one a couple of days ago, but this was my first. It struck me though that the late Queen was smiling on her note whereas Charles doesn't look very happy. It's observations such as that I find interesting. It was a busy first day of leave but I enjoyed it, not least as I dug out my 1980 series of Pride and Prejudice. It is still my all time favourites version, by Fay Weldon and follows the book. However joint favourite now is the 2005 version with Keira Knightly and Matthew McFadden which takes liberties but stylistically is beautiful. Not a bad day off all told.


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