

Friday 14 June 2024

Friday 14th June 2020


After watching Gardener's World, from Gardener's World live at the NEC, Julie asked if I'd go and water the greenhouse plants. It was tipping down with rain, really tipping down. It was also only just after 9pm on a June evening but it felt like mid-winter. By the time I'd traipsed to and from the water butts I was soaked. Sheltering in the greenhouse I took stock. Outside seemed dark and wet. In the greenhouse however the lashing rain was something of a comfort, it always is, being sheltered but behind glass from the visible weather outside. It struck me that this highly personal view out of the door was a snapshot of this very cool and wet June. I like summer rain but this is becoming a little too much. It's the longest day in a week, and we've not been able to sit in the garden of an evening yet. 

Eventually I broke free from my musings on what is a comfort (I'd had a blood test done at 1pm so that was half on my mind). Wandering back to the house I looked at my snowdrop collection. Long past flowering these have only very recently shed their leaves. They need a lot of looking after in the summer if grown in pots, principally the compost needs to be kept moist. If July and August follow June, that's something I'll not need to worry about. And, in six months I hope to see new green shoots emerging from these pots. The Wheel of the Year really does move quickly.

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