

Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday 23rd June 2024

This is not the vehicle to go into private issues in any depth but I've been having a few issues recently. I've cut out gluten and it's making a lot of difference, and it's interesting discovering what has gluten in it that you'd think was gluten free anyway - cornflakes? Sausages, well yes they have rusk, Pringles? and many ready meals, but when you begin to look 'wheat' is in nearly everything that is bought over the counter. So Julie has begun cooking gluten free alternatives. This creation is a courgette loaf. On paper this is a lovely alternative to bread, but in reality it comes out very heavy and even a thin slice takes some eating. This is the second time Julie has tried this and even doubling the baking powder it still is a dense bread. But we will keep experimenting, it's interesting, very interesting.

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