

Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday 1st June 2024

 After yesterday's busy day, today we had an at home day, which was lovely, sleeping in the garden, reading and doing very little.  Something made me want to check up on the house martin situation in the evening. There's been a house martin nest on this house forever. Always used, but three years ago they didn't use it, nor the following two years. I thought that was it, and had planned to knock it down last winter as I'm assuming the nest cup is the problem (house sparrows will fill it with straw, or a dead bird in there?). However about a week ago I heard twittering outside the bedroom window and sure enough there were house martins flying up to the nest. I looked tonight. There are the signs of a new nest on the wall, plus dropped mud on the windowsill. It looks like they're making a nest next to the old one - there's definitely something wrong with that old nest. Whether they complete the new nest in time to breed we'll see, but one year I had house martin chicks fledge in October, that was a third clutch. There's still time then.

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