

Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday 2nd June 2024

Not the day I had planned but in the end it was okay. First thing I was sitting on the bed having my first mug of the of the day and looking over the garden. Catching my eye was a buttercup. In itself not remarkable but as I was on the first floor, it was either very tall or growing somewhere. To my horror I saw the valley gutter of the conservatory was absolutely chocked with plants. Access is dire, so it took me 2 hours to get rid of nearly all the vegetation using poles and a hoe. Not a pretty job and not perfect but removing all that stuff was essential. What a mess.

 Moth mullein, verbascum blattaria. This came into flower today, I love it. Five or six years ago I bought a sad looking moth mullein from Forde Abbey gardens in Somerset. It had already flowered but it was covered in seed pods. Once home and once mature I scattered the seed. We were warned that once moth mullein is happy it will self seed everywhere and anywhere. And he was right. This year we've three growing by the cutting patch. Such a beautiful understated spike of flowers that pops up randomly. A couple of years ago one appeared by the side gate. Self seen plants are excellent.

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