

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wednesday 12th June 2024


Quite a momentous day. I caught up with my ex boss Kate Chaney for lunch. Partly social, but also Kate's very last day on the BBC payroll is tomorrow, therefore her laptop and keys needed to be returned. It was so nice to catch up at Spicer and Cole at the RWA in Clifton. I like it there anyway but with good company, what's not to like. After lunch Kate wanted a cigarette so we sat on the wall outside where Paul Gowman walked by, so we asked him to take this photo. So that's it, 41 years working at the BBC and the door closes. Kate said she's still not got used to being retired with all this free time on her hands, but is discovering some of the best croissant cafes in Bristol on her now daily walks.

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