

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Wednesday January 2nd 2019

I do this every year, but it probably won't last. First day back at work and I left home earlier than a sparrow to the feeders. For the plan was, and became to walk the 1.5 miles from where I park to work. And to continue doing this through the year. What a beautiful morning. It confirms how isolated we all are from the natural world which surrounds us when we drive a car. Certainly I enjoyed driving in, singing along to Radio 2. But once I'd parked up, my perambulation over the Suspension Bridge and into Clifton was a joy. A cold joy, but a joy nonetheless.  This back lit 'old mans beard' caught my eye within a few strides. Trapped and entwined within a metal fence, it maintained a beauty all of it's own.

Once on the Suspension Bridge, not one but 2 song thrush were in full song, one each side of the Avon Gorge. That repetitive double call is a joy and a sign that, although early still, spring is knocking on nature's door. Aside from the melodious Turdus philomelos, robins, blue tit, jackdaw, goldfinch and dunnock all serenaded me as I headed to a tree I look at every year. And yes, there they are, snowdrops. Every day through the hot dry summer of 2018 I'd pass by this tree in Clifton and say to myself, under there are snowdrops. They'll be up in 6, 5, 4 months. Snowdrops are the start of the year for me. And here now, on January 2nd, they're poking through. Not the first Gallanthus I've seen, but these are special, because I know this area like the back of my hand, I know where they are, even when they're hidden from view, they'll return each year as if by magic. Nature, is remarkable.

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