

Thursday 10 January 2019

Thursday January 10th 2019

Technology is good. But also a right Royal pain in the posterior. Our newish washing machine allows 20 different settings, amongst which about 4-6 different settings within each of the first 20 settings. In the onld days you switched the machine on, it cleaned your socks, then switched off. Now it's more complicated. I had a single jumper to wash after pouring a sizeable chunk of pasta bake down it at suppertime. So selecting the 15 minute wash I settled down to watch the last half an hour of Endeavour (of all the Morse, Lewis spin offs, I like Endeavour the best). I digress, except for the reminder, 15 minute wash, 30 minutes of TV programme to go. 32 minutes later the washing machine stopped as 2202 precisely. I furtled about inside the drum and although the jumper was clean, it weighed the equivalent of a sack of potatoes. It needed an additional spin. Selecting spin cycle, 13 minutes to revolve at 1400 rpm. Really!! So off I went to make a cup of tea and stood watching the time count down on the laser display board. 2 minutes to go, my excitement was literally boiling over, 2...1....0.....yay my prize awaits me. It then reset itself to 10 minutes and started again. Why? It's just spent 10 minutes in a veritable vortex of moisture repellent. So I switched the machine off. The safety door catch usually unlocks at 1 minute after the washing cycle ends. 11 minutes later it still had not unlocked. Cunning came to the fore, if I select a new washing cycle, it may unlock. Hay presto, it did and I could now retrieve my jumper at 2245 precisely. Having begun this with a 15 minute quick wash at 2130. I could have hand washed it in 5 minutes. Progress. Humm!!

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