

Monday 7 July 2014

July 7th 2014

Well yet another leaving do. This time Brett Westwood with our mutual friend Sheena. Brett is one of the top British naturalists, a real and genuine eccentric and has worked for the Natural History Unit for 16 years. But there comes a time in every man's life when pastures new are a bigger draw than the familiar. Brett decided to leave the BBC to concentrate on being a freelance naturalist and I think he'll do exceptionally well. Hugely popular and with an encyclopaedic knowledge of British wildlife. I've many times been astonished at the depth and breadth of his knowledge, not just facts, but folklore, anecdotes and snippets of insider information, delivered in his own quirky and highly entertaining style. I'll miss Brett being around, lunches in the BBC canteen were a riot of double entendre and comedy as upwards of 15 people crowded around a table for 8. That was five or 6 years ago, everyone on that table, who I'm glad to have also called friends, have now left the BBC, only I remain. Food for thought then. As is the fact that I'll be working with Brett from tomorrow as he's script writer on Tweet of the Day.

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