

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Tuesday 7th November 2023

What an absolutely beautiful day. Such a shame to be ensconced in the office at home working, but Tuesdays are a busy day with various on-line meetings and so forth. This was my view at around noon - not a bad screen break image it has to be said. On the shed roof is Treacle, the bane of our lives as she lives in our garden during the day. She's a sweet cat but a menace as it's like herding, well cats, trying to get in or out the house while she's trying to get in. Sometimes its hilarious, many times though it is tedious. Bribery of nibbles is the only answer.

A few hours later and it was dark. I'd finished the paid employ, which allowed me to quietly sit and write my written diary at the desk. Coming to the end of the scribblings I just happened to look up, and there in all it's glory, my desk. What a mess, but isn't that what desks are meant to be? An eclectic collection of trinkets and highly important items at the time, but years later while they're gathering dust, the reason for keeping many such items seems to be lost in time. 

The weather station is a fine example of this. Once a common barometer novelty found on many a mantlepiece this one belonged to my grandparents. It was damaged years later when my father had it in his studio works which were vandalised, it wasn't broken but had paint thrown over it.  During lockdown I restored it.  It now works, the man comes out in rain, the woman in sunshine, though the thermometer isn't working. However to anyone other than myself or my father this is simply a bit of mid 20th Century junk. It's still important to me though.

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