

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Tuesday 21st November 2023


I found myself struggling with a topic for today's post. Partly as I haven't done much other than work and partly I became annoyed with a work issue which while I've been awaiting an answer since the end of June to something editorially quite simple, today it was finally being addressed, only though after a flurry of emails asking for information I'd already sent and my trying to remember what I'd said and did in editing terms back in June. Having taken five months for an answer its now needless stress and all pressured deadlines to complete the task. 

All of which stifles creative real process, try as I might I'd got to 9 o'clock in the evening without anything positive to say. Julie had just gone to bed and in the quiet time I indulge myself in each evening before I head upstairs I noticed two images Julie is working on propped up against the TV cabinet. Julie props up many a drawing or painting while she is working on her artwork, meaning while she is just relaxing in the lounge any revisions or inspirations to amend the paintings happen as if by osmosis by not really looking at them.

The raven on the left is a pastel, which Julie began a few months ago. I think it should be left alone as I'm a big fan of incomplete finished artwork. Julie's not sure and may add a little more detail. The trial piece on the right is her attempt at acrylics. It's an image of a vase of flowers taken on the bedside table in poor light one night when she couldn't sleep. Acrylic is not her preferred medium so this is very much a work in progress piece. I blocked in the background for her on Sunday as I do love the vibrancy of acrylic. Julie is now working on the detail. 

It will be interesting seeing where this ends up as I've said to Julie be bold and vibrant, not something which comes naturally to her, despite her huge talent with drawing and composition, Julie is way more disciplined and planned than I am, I tend to have no idea what I'm painting until it's finished. And sometimes not even then.

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