

Monday 4 November 2013

November 4th 2013

Sometimes its an image that grabs my attention for this blog diary. Driving into work this morning at 7am there was THE most dramatic sky over the North Somerset landscape. I always carry a camera in the car now (as a result of this blog) so I shot off a couple of photographs. That was to be my thought for the day. But, I didn't have time to upload them onto this blog. At about 11am I sat at my desk listening to some interviews from Palau on the Nepoleon wrasse, a huge coral fish who's size and status make it prized for both food and tourism and therefore of conservation concern. Enveloped by headphones I was busily writing notes when I suddenly looked at my notepad and thought - wow, that is a striking image. Sunlight flooding in through the office window was highlighting only my words, only the parts of the recording that were important and I had written down, the rest of the desk was in shadow. I quickly took a photograph with my phone before the intensity of the light faded. Images like that stay with me for a long time.


  1. Intriguing how a quirk of nature, like the sunlight on your notebook, can put things in a different light, literally and metaphorically! Julie

  2. How right you are - it is the small things we notice during the day that make life interesting I feel. Often the bigger events are a bit of a let down
