

Friday 5 October 2018

Friday October 5th 2018

And Relax!  Mop-tank-gate is over and all is well. Coming down this morning, no leaks, tank working well and more importantly the 6 fish all survived over night. But last night developed into a very stressful evening. After coming home from work we set to. New tank quickly set up (it has multi coloured LED lights, including 'thunderstorm mode' for reasons I'm not sure about), but it was the right size. Tank filled and run for two hours to flush and clean it. Water emptied, then refilled it, added the gravel and plants from the old tank, in readiness for the fish. 

It was at this refilling point I looked at two strange leaves on the carpet... they were not leaves but two of the platies which had jumped out of the mop bucket. How long they'd been there I didn't know but probably a few minutes. Scooping the first one up, it wriggled into life. Quickly back into the bucket, it swam off. The second much bigger fish didn't wriggle but I popped it in the bucket anyway and it lifelessly sank to the bottom. 

An hour later on transferring all the fish into the new tank, that bigger platy (the upper one in the image on the left) halfheartedly swam away and disappeared. I thought "well we did our best". The remaining five fish including the goofy bronze cory's which we've had for over five years all took to the new tank as if nothing had happened and within minutes were exploring their new home, now with everything they were used to hastily installed. 

It was heartening then to come down this morning and all six fish are bobbling about as if nothing had happened, including that lucky escape onto the carpet big platy. Tough animals I'd say.

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