

Friday 19 October 2018

Friday October 19th 2018

As I look out of the office window, my scene is....well actually I don't really have time to look out of the office window much. For today I'm catching up with press cuttings going back to late September. The backlog that never cleared after my holiday. Each morning at some godforsaken hour an email flops into my inbox with the latest summary of BBC in the press. I peer at this half asleep around 10am, after my fourth coffee. The vast majority of this grand opus  reflects TV hits in the papers. Reviews of the latest show, like Strictly Come Dancing or the Bodyguard. In Radio it is the big news output who dominate the coverage, Today, PM and John Humphries.  But nestling like a long lost cardigan in the backwaters of the BBC's Bristolian Borderlands, we do get an occasional 'worth a listen' mention. Ramblings and Any Questions? are regulars, alongside Great Lives, A Good Read, Costing the Earth and when the wind is in a favourable direction, Farming Today.  And I do personally get excited when Living World or Tweet of the Day get a mention. Not me the producer enveloped in stress and creative energy. But that's how it is. At least I can look out of the window now, an azure sky, golden beech tree and time for lunch.

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