

Friday 15 February 2019

Friday February 15th 2019

I could watch the wood pigeons at the feeders for hours. Bird feeders are not normally associated with pigeons. But this one, far from being bird brained, has used it's brain to work out that if it stands on the wall, spilt grain will be on offer. However it has also learnt that for a full English buffet breakfast, if it stands on the left of the feeder on the slightly higher wall, it can feed to it's hearts content from the aperture. Sometimes while I'm watching this, sparrows will be on the top perches and the wood pigeon below.So far I've failed to capture that on digital celluloid. 

I love wood pigeons, like portly gentlemen waddling about in their louche colours, looking all high and mighty. Currently there are three in the garden, I can't tell but probably a male and two ladies given some of the quite frankly astonishing antics played out on the fence. Out over the fields there are nearly a hundred woodies, feeding on the stubble. But this chap has learnt there's rich picking to be had 24/7 just over the lane.  Interesting the 2 collard doves also using the feeding area don't feed directly from the aperture. Or at least I've never seen them. They just scavenge the spilt grain on the wall. And that is the real key thing about wildlife watching, don't just quickly glance then move on, spend time observing species going about their daily business. Get to know their foibles, their differences, their similarities. Though I'm not sure what the blue tit makes of it all?  

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