

Monday 24 February 2014

February 24th 2014

Working in the media, or at least turning up every day and having a nap, often throws up some strange going's on. I well remember the rowing over Malham Tarn at midnight trying to record a programme on an extinct caddisfly. Or that time I turned up to give a talk on the BBC Natural History Unit in Newcastle only to increase the audience by 100%. So today it made absolute sense to me to be loading some of my gardening tools into my car to be sent to London for a radio play. A colleague here is producing a comedy drama called 'Gossip from the Garden Pond' which is being recorded at the BBC's Radio Theatre on Sunday; the characters are all species found in a garden pond. Not having a garden my colleague sent out a plea for props, and so in true Bulldog Blitz spirit I have loaned some of the tools for the day. If it wasn't the fact that the show was being recorded in London I'd head over there on Sunday and check out for myself how good my tools performed on stage. Will I hear the spade sigh as he's picked up? Will the shears produce cutting comments to the cast? I'll have to wait until they return to find out.

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