

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Wednesday 15th May 2024


A bit of a bird day today. In the morning I recorded three Tweet of the Day with Martin Hughes-Games. They sounded lovely, he has such a nice rich voice for radio. It was also very good to catch up with someone I've not seen for years. We had a good chinwag about the old NHU days and his time presenting Springwatch. 

After having my lunch, two Scotch eggs and some chocolate milk, I set too editing the three episodes. In the middle of doing that I received a number of images from a friend up at the farm in Northumberland I worked at. What's this odd looking bird was the question? After a bit of thinking it turned out to be a common Mynah. Presumably an escaped from someone's house. I didn't find out what happened next but I hope it was reunited with it's owner.

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