

Saturday 11 May 2024

Saturday 11th May 2024


After yesterday and a hot long amount of time in the car, today was very much a stay at home day. Which was actually very welcome. I read my Red Deer book, I like it though Richard Jefferies often repeats phrases or sentences in a chapter. I also tried to identify these tall composite flowers, which I've got down to beaked hawksbeard  - I think. I've learnt that if I wait until the seeds form, their shape is the best way to be certain of the species, and there may be more than one species in our wild lawn.

Later in the day I received a WhatsApp message from my friend George in Northern Ireland. His parents have started seeing this great spotted woodpecker come to their garden, which surprised my friend as he thought these birds were not found in the island or Ireland. Well that was true until about twenty years ago, since when great spotted woodpeckers arrived in Northern Ireland and first bred in 2006. They're now along the whole east coast and slowly moving inland, to places like Country Antrim where my friends parents live. Good to see, and a success story in the natural world is an added bonus.

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