

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday 12th September 2024

After yesterday's grand tour of Cornwall today I kept a little closer to home, not too close though. After a few jobs in the morning I pootled over to Wells. I've a year pass for the Bishop's Palace gardens but with one thing and another I'd not been since June. The sun was strong as I drove over, by the time I'd arrived rain spots threatened. Those spots became full blown deluges once I'd got into the garden with my take-away hot chocolate. I had no coat.

I took shelter for a while in an archway, watching the rain cascade over the flowerbeds. It was very pleasant just the rain and I. The shower passed, the sun shone, I headed off. I like it here as it's very peaceful. The gardeners must have been very busy this morning as the lawns were striped to perfection. But the place was deserted aside from this modern art installation. I called it Raking Green. Not long after taking this image the deluge returned, this time for a good 20 minutes. I took shelter once more under a yew. Ravens grunted over head, bossing the jackdaws on the Cathedral roof. Next to me was the instrument of grasses torture. And still I had the place to myself. Signs of past activity then, but of the present toil and activity, it remains a mystery.


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