

Monday 30 September 2024

Monday 30th September 2024


The alarm went off at 7.30am, I hit the snooze button only to then wake properly just before 8am. I'm on my way to work ( though as I discovered later I'd actually booked today off as leave but then forgot about this additional day).

However my mind immediately thought of time passing as the theme for this final post. I've been on leave, that's in the past now. Each second is in the past a second later, and life as I age dwells more on the past as the years advance.

I arrived in the office and logged onto the work system. It was 9.42am, as I write this it is 13.40 and I'm sitting outside on a very dull day with rain spots in the air. Somehow another four hours have passed in my life, tik-tok-tik-tok. That journey from birth to death is never ending. 

Though all has changed while I've been away and a huge reorganization of BBC Audio division is now going to happen. I'll need to reapply for my job in March as all 42 production management roles are closing in their current form. The BBC as I joined thirty one years ago is gasping it's last breath as time has finally caught up with it.

As has happened with coal power. Today the UK finally switches off it's last coal fired power station, and in doing so effectively ends the Victorian driven industrial revolution in many ways. 

If I return to this blog when approaching 65 I don't expect to be working at the BBC, so this image of two grapefruit (for breakfast this week) and my lunch on the BBC's Club terrace will be the last ever one I mention on here. It's an interesting feeling, my last sit on the terrace and noting what I do on my lunch hour. To my right as I sit I can see my old NHU Radio office, the window directly above the bay window. We had the attic rooms too. It was sitting in that office in 2015 that we were told NHU Radio was going to be dismantled by the then Director General, Tony Hall. Actually we weren't told, the closure only appeared in the transcript and picked up by Sarah Blunt. That closure came as a huge shock to us all including Julian Hector our Editor as he hadn't been told. Since then there's been a lot of changes; some good, some bad, most just different.

And now as I approach 2pm my lunch break comes to an end, and so must this year long blog. It's been a fascinating twelve months, challenging in some ways, but as I write these last words I feel in myself it's a time of personal change ahead of me. No doubt some of this will be good, some bad, most though will be just different. So will I return in the autumn of 2028 and begin this a fourth time? We'll see. 

The leaves of autumn are beginning to steadily fall now, they are blowing in the breeze, their usefulness to trees now at an end. A similarity with my time on this spinning Planet, the feeling that my usefulness to society is coming to an end. Soon I'll be a burden. But keep looking forward, that's the key, spring is just a few weeks away now, the first early daffodils will flower in 12 weeks or so. 

With every new step I now take then remaining unrecorded here, it is au revoir, not finis prope.

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