

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Wednesday 14th August 2019

In my work I am sent a lot of books by publishers. Often these are pre-publication tomes, or like the one above, an advanced copy of the paperback edition. I receive too many to read. But some stand out as garnering a second glance. The Wonderful Mr Willughby is one such book. Tim Birkhead is a legend among  bird scientists. Years spent at Sheffield University mostly perched on a sea cliff have given him wonderful insights into seabird behaviour especially. Francis Willughby (1635-1672) was a linchpin in the scientific revolution which crossed Europe at the time. He and his contemporary John Ray set about clarifying the often bewildering scientific order of the natural world. Sadly before this work went very far Willughby contracted and illness and was dead in the month. Bugger as they say. The rest is history, with John Ray being recognised as the man who brought order to the natural world. This book attempts to redress the balance. I like these books about people once preeminent in their field, now largely forgotten. 

Carry Ackroyd is very much alive. And largely unknown. Carry is en expert print artist who illustrated the book Tweet of the Day. I asked her to present two Tweet of the Day's on Radio 4 last year and she was a delightful person. However as I began scudding fingers over qwerty keyboard, a colleague Alisdair brought in a large cardboard package for me - redirected from BBC Broadcasting House London. Her latest book, 'A Sparrow's Life' is a companion to the birds most readily seen over the British Countryside, and a compilation of articles called 'Bird of the Month' from the magazine The Oldie. Time only for the briefest of glances through this newly published book confirm her illustrations are as lovely as ever.Manna from heaven.

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