

Friday 2 August 2019

Friday August 2nd 2019

This buzzard may look close, but it was over 100 meters, maybe more. I was getting ready for work when I spied this buzzard perched on one of the electric wires which cross the fiend behind us. It's not that usual to see a buzzard clinging to the lines. On a perch or a tree yes. But to grip the thin wires with those huge talons isn't easy. I read an article at the weekend which stated that while photographs are a wonderful record, they can never detail the emotions behind the image as writing does. And that is so true with these four images. What they show is a buzzard, eventually being mobbed by crows and flying off. What these don't show is that the buzzard was perched on that line for over 10 minutes before the crows arrived. Each time the wire moved the buzzard had to re-grab the wire and re-balance itself.  Something it did with remarkable dexterity as it bobbed and rolled continuously trying to keep it's balance. The wire cross the field next to the hedge, was there something in the hedge which appealed? Certainly the crows were non too happy, eventually driving the buzzard off. A nice way to start the day, with some less than common activity and behaviour.


Postscript - 05.08.19 - Buzzard was back on the wire this morning, not being mobbed, but presumably this is it's preferred perch to operate from. 

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